Ms. Elsa Fuentes & Ms. Maria Guadalupe

Ms. Elsa Fuentes & Ms. Maria Guadalupe

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Friday, September 25, 2015

Week of September 28th- October 2nd

Abejitas Class
Miss Elsa and Miss Guadalupe
Week of September 28th – October 2nd
Theme of the Week: “My Senses " / “Mis Sentidos”

We hope you had a fabulous week! We are so proud to see how much our Abejitas are learning and having fun. They are doing a great job, please remember to congratulate them for their progress. This week we will learn about a new topic “Mis Sentidos/My Senses” in which they can explore the five senses.  Our Abejitas really enjoy spending time with us in each one of our activities.  Mom and dad could help at home by using a small mirror, allowing your child to see his/her face and by putting small toys that rattle on their hands allowing them to hear the sound as they move. We are sure that our little Abejitas will love it!
Song of the week:
Canción de los sentidos
Con mis cinco sentidos yo aprenderé
A ver todo a mí alrededor,
Con mis cinco sentidos puedo ver
El cielo con su color.
Escucharte a ti eso me hace feliz
Y sentir el sol sobre mí

Saborear la miel y poder oler
Las flores que hay en el jardín.
Con mis cinco sentidos…...
Poderte abrazar y también escuchar
Mi maestra en Sff
Oler, saborear, escuchar y sentir
El amor que sientes por mi!!
Con mis cinco sentidos….

Todos los colores
vamos a mirar
Rhyme/ Rima #2   
Todos los sonidos
Vamos a esccuhar

Fingerplays/ Juegos Dactilares     
 Toda la mano, toda la mano ¿Dónde estas?
¿Dónde estás?
Aquí estoy
Cómo estas amigo,
Yo muy bien amigo y se escondió y se escondió

Poem/ Poesia:    
Con nuestros sentidos
Vamos a jugar
Ver, oler, tocar,oir
Y galletitas probar                                                                                                                             
Student of the week:
The student of the week is Silas, we can’t wait to know everything about you (favorite toy, book, food, places to go, etc.).
 Important Reminders
·          All parents need to cover their shoes when entering the classroom.
·          Knock before entering the room and make sure that no one is behind the door.
·          Wash your hands and your child’s hands when you enter the classroom.
·          Read and complete the journal daily.
·          Label all of your child’s items (bottles, clothes, food, etc.)

Reminder of the week:
  • Family picture (It’s very important    
As always, thank you for your support.

Have a good week!
Miss Elsa and Miss Maria Guadalupe

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