Ms. Elsa Fuentes & Ms. Maria Guadalupe

Ms. Elsa Fuentes & Ms. Maria Guadalupe

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Friday, May 29, 2015

Week of June 1st-5th

Abejitas Class
Ms. Elsa & Ms. Maria Guadalupe
Theme of the week: “El Universo y Yo/ The Universe and Me”
Week of June 1st - June 5th
Dear Abejitas Parents,
Last week was a wonderful week for our Abejitas, and as we all know the end of the school year is just around the corner. As always, at Sff! we are prepared to give our children a rich environment full of fun and learning. For this reason, during the next two weeks, we will be learning about a new subject: "My Universe and I" Our Abejitas have the opportunity to see images and read books related to the subject. Mom and dad could help at home by taking every moment you can to share with your child about everything that surrounds our planet, for example: the sea, the sun, the moon, the stars, nature, and night. Our children will feel very special and we are sure they enjoy listening to mom and dad.

Song of the week:
Buenos días ya salió el sol
Miro hacia el cielo, las nubes de algodón
Buenas noches, la luna salió
Muchas estrellitas luceros de amor.
Estrellas, planetas
Luna y sol
Cuida nuestra tierra y llénala de amor.

El sol tiene frío
No quiere salio
Oculto entre las nubes
Se ha puesto a dormir

(Hacemos gestos con las manos)

Sal solcito por favor
Mama nube déjalo salir
Que tengo frío y quiero jugar
Con mis amigos en el jardín
The Abejitas’ class invites our fathers to share with a little bit of your time, this June, to celebrate Father's Day, with our little ones. Come and share a short story by reading for your child and their friends. Our Abejitas will love this wonderful time with their parents. It is a great time to celebrate with your child; we hope to see all of you.
When: June 19th
Time: 8:30 a.m
Where: Abejitas class

Friendly reminders:
· Please make sure your child has extra clothes in their cubby!
· As the weather is getting warmer, if you would like to bring sunscreen for your child, please make sure fill out the form and bring it in a labeled Ziploc bag to give to one of the teachers. Be sure to check the expiration date!

Important Upcoming Dates:
June 5th: Report Cards will be sent home
June 8th – 12th: Red Shirt Swap
June 8th: Parents/Teacher conferences (If you would like to have a conference about your child’s development this last trimester, please sign up in the sheet that is outside the classroom.)

Our Classroom Rules:
1. All parents need to cover their shoes when entering to the classroom.
2. Knock before entering the room to make sure that no one is behind the door.
3. Wash both yours, and your child’s hands, when you enter the classroom.
4. Complete the journal daily.
5. Label all of your child’s items.

As always, thanks to all our parents for your continuous support.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Elsa & Ms. Maria Guadalupe

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